Thursday, September 3, 2009

How to make $100 to $200 daily from your $12 domain investment and still sell above $5,000

"How to make $100 to $200 daily from your $12 domain investment and still sell above $5,000".
Enjoy and feel free to pass it to your friends and family members. You can also use it to promote your site or as an article/ post on your blog.

The internet is a source of wealth for all who can use it right and also for those who have the rightful and updated information about how to go about it.

Today, I present to you domain business.An internet business which requires from you,just a little investment of $12 and gives you a huge return on investment.

What is a domain?
A domain is just a registered name used for hosting a website. In other words it is just the backbone of a website.therefore, are all domain names on which their respective websites run.

Domain is like a virtual real estate in that,you can register/buy a domain, make money from it daily by renting it to advertisers and selling it to anyone who wants to use it.

I know you are excited to start right away,but to begin domain business you must understand the factors which makes you fortune in domain businesss.

There are steps involved in the domain business, which have to be followed for anyone that wants to make it big in domain business.

They are,
1. domain registration
2. domain parking for daily profits
3. domain selling/auctioning
4. domain leasing

To begin your domain business, you have to register your domain but before that, you have to make a list of possible domain names which must be;

1. Typo- generic (easy to type in for someone who wants to visit it).

2. Trendy (try to register domain names around the trends or recent happenings like world cup,fashion shows,etc).

3. Short (the shorter your domain name, the profitable and easy to remember).

4. Dictionary domain (try to search for new words added to the dictionary and register them).

5. Spell worthy (use words which are easy to spell)

6. Avoid trade marks (do not register someone else's trade name, trade mark and trade name).

7. Consider the domain extensions( the .com, .net are the likely recognized extensions)

After that you then go to for a search on that your domain name which has certified the criterias above to see how many times people on the net do search for that domain word because the higher the rate of the search, the higher your chances of making more money daily from it.

Example, if you want to register a domain name like, all you have to do is go to resultgenerator to see how many times the word
proudly and 9ija are been searched for.

To register a domain name all you have to do is to make a payment of $12 through your mastercard,visacard, paypal but since Nigerians do not have
access to that, you can use the money in your Liberty reserve account to pay for it.

If per chance you do not have a liberty reserve account.

just sign up for a free account at
and after that you have to fund the account at the rate of #180 per dollar by calling 08056370712.

With your account funded, head straight to to register your domain names.
For convinence sake you can just pay into any
Guaranty trust bank(GTB) account no 5225802261590.
Name: Anayo Ezinwa the sum of #2,100 for your domain

After that just call me and then email me at with your possible domain name, your full names, address, phone number and
your official email address.

After the registration you will the get a confirmation from us and with that you head to, or and sign up
for a free account, which you will then use to park your domain names, how many domains you have, and they pump ads to your domain and pay you. To park
your domain names, all you have to do is to change the name server of you domain to that of the site you are parking it with, else, your domain will not show up.

Domain Selling, Leasing, Auction.
With your domain names parked for daily profits,you can signup for a free account with where you keep you domain for auction at a price which you think suites that kind of domain name.

But the risk factor here is that once the domain fails to be sold there, it would then depreciate in value.

Also, if you want to advertise your domain names for sell, all you do is to register the domain names at either or

it is also advisable to read their terms and conditions before you register. You can also use the services of . The good thing about domain selling is that you can sell for as
much as $5,000 for a single domain.

That does not mean that it is the amount for all domain names,some go for less than that.

Finally, domain leasing let's you lease your domain name(s) to someone who pays you periodically or once to use your domain for a particular period of time.

To access this service you have to sign up for a free account on or

Conclusion, I know you found this report helpful.
The next thing left is for you to take action and
get started.

An overview of what you need to get started are;
1. An online payment solution like mastercard,
paypal, liberty reserve e.t.c (call 08056370712 for funding
any of these accounts).

2. Register domain names.

3. Change the name server.

4. Park it and start generating traffic to it,
lease it and then also sell.

For questions, comments or support,
email or call 08056370712
for fast and quick services.

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